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Dragon Spicy Crunch Bundle (辣爆龙年脆片套组)

(6 items)

RRP: RM 148

Member : RM 68 (Save 100%)

About This Bundle

Ready to be the hottest sensation this Chinese New Year? Here's your guide to being even more attractive: Dive into our Spicy Snacks Collection! Crank up the heat and brace yourself for a fiery adventure as you enjoy a tempting array of snacks that truly pack a punch. From zesty chili-flavored crackers to tongue-tingling chips, this collection is crafted to ignite your taste buds and infuse an extra kick into your festivities. Psssss... it's just RM 68 to spice up your celebrations and “Kick mari” in the Ang Ang Dragon Lunar New Year with a sizzle of flavor!

What's in the bundle?
  • Spicy BBQ Lentil Snaps (50g)
  • Spicy Shiitake Mushroom Chips (80g)
  • Thai Chili Dried Mango (110g)
  • Spicy Seaweed Layered Chips (150g)
  • Spicy Salted Egg Fish Skin (80g)
  • Spicy Salted Egg Potato Chips (100g)

  • Special note:
    *Bundle contents may be substituted with similar items of equal value due to stock availability

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    Dragon Spicy Crunch Bundle (辣爆龙年脆片套组) (6 items)

    RM 68 (Save 100%)

    RM 148

    RM 68.00 RM 148.00
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