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Signature Market

Organic Wheat Berries


RRP: RM 9.8

Member : RM 4 (Save 59%)


about this product
Organic, Non-GMO, Premium Quality

Country of Origin: Canada

Wheat berries are whole, unprocessed wheat kernels in their most natural form. Wheat berries look similar to other hearty whole grains, such as barley. They are extremely nutritious due to the presence of the germ, endosperm and bran. Wheat berries have a chewy texture and nut-like flavour. All wheat products, such as wheat flour, are made from wheat berries. With their exceptional nutrient content and crunchy texture, they are a tasty food choice on their own.

What's so special about Signature Snack Organic Wheat Berries?
Signature Snack Organic Wheat Berries are high in carbohydrates and dietary fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in vitamins B1, vitamin B3, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and selenium. Those minerals are essential for regulating blood pressure and building healthy bone. Manganese helps in bone formation and the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins while selenium supports immune system and thyroid gland function.

How to do you serve Signature Snack Organic Wheat Berries?
Organic Wheat Berries can be cooked as a cereal, sprouted for salads or milled into flour by people with home grinders. Use them in place of rice or other grains for pilafs, soups, salads and casseroles.

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Organic Wheat Berries (500g)

RM 4 (Save 59%)

RM 9.8

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