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Signature Market

Organic Brown Flaxseed


RRP: RM 12.5

Member : RM 5 (Save 60%)

Organic (Certified by NASAA-160401)

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Non-GMO, Premium Quality

Signature Snack Organic Brown Flax Seed contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids available in plant form, even higher than that found in fish oil. The flax seed is a well-rounded source of essential nutrients that keeps the body functioning at optimum health and assists in developing a strong immune system. We recommend grinding before eating for maximum nutrient absorption. It is best to grind your own flax seeds, rather than buying pre-ground flax seed meal, as their rich supply of healthy omega fats start to oxidize and degrade immediately after grinding. Grinding your own flax seeds ensures you're maximizing the amazing health benefits of this powerful superfood!

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Organic Brown Flaxseed (500g)

RM 5 (Save 60%)

RM 12.5

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