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June 2024 Workshops & Event

by Stefanie | 27 May 2024

Hello SM Community! Join us as we embark on this journey with Masters & Healers to guide you & assist you with gaining clarity on your life path with the wisdom of the Universe.🚶🏻🌎

[Zoom Workshop 1] Pathfinding 2.0: Transcendent Masters Meet-Up
Date: 4 June 2024 [Tuesday]
Time: 8:30pm
i) Jonath Lee, Metaphysical
ii) Rosston Thin, I Ching Tarot Reader, Astrologist
iii) J'zs Zfyera, Maya & Oh Card Reader
iv) Naren, Akashic Record Reader & Reiki Master

Discover the Wisdom of the Universe: How Its Messages Can Guide You.

Are you lost in your life journey? 🤔 Wondering how Messages from the Universe can guide you along your life’s journey? 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻

Let’s dive into understanding & gain insights from our Masters & Healers on how messages from the universe can provide guidance & clarity in your life whether it be in wealth💰, career 👩🏻‍🏫, relationships 💕etc.

Join us on this thought-provoking discussions with different Masters & Healers & simply dive into a deeper connection to the universe. 🌎 🧘🏻‍♀️

✍🏻 Key Takeaways:
1. Understand the different types of Metaphysical Readers
2. Discover & demystify the myths of Metaphysical Readings
3. Discover how Metaphysical Readers can guide you & gain wisdom from the Universe

RSVP here.

[Zoom Workshop 2] Self-Discovery: Who Am I?
Date: 11 June 2024 [Tuesday]
Time: 8:30pm
Speaker: Rosston Thin, 20 years I-Ching Tarot master, Spiritual Healer & Practitioner

Understand deeply about how our Inner Soul works (8 consciousness).

At some point in our life journey, a question arises “Who am I?” Wondering who we are and what our life purpose is. 🤔 This journey of self-discovery is not just about identifying our strengths & weaknesses but also recognising our uniqueness and how we relate to the world around us. 💪🏻 Let’s unlock and understand how our inner soul works (8 consciousness) to better understand ourselves for personal transformation and fulfillment in life.🔓🔑

🚀 You will find out how the inner soul works (8 consciousness), how to increase your self-awareness & consciousness, be able to understand the soul's psychological reaction and connection within oneself, & also know that you have the power to change your life. 🚀

*Do prepare the following items below: empty bottle, paper or different color paper

Join us as we understand this life process of discovering ourselves with the wisdom & guidance of Rosston Thin.☺️

✍🏻 Key Takeaways:
1. Increase in self-awareness
2. Able to know the soul psychological reaction
3. Power to change your life

RSVP here.

[Zoom Workshop 3] Active Ageing & Beyond
Date: 18 June 2024 [Tuesday]
Time: 8:30pm
Speaker: May, Head of Gerontology of My Care Concierge

Unlock The Extraordinary Wiser You.

Ageing is a natural part of life and it can be an opportunity to continue living a meaningful life. Empower yourselves in your wiser years as growing old is inescapable, however growing old with quality of life is a choice! .👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

The power of self care - adding life to your years, by taking steps to care for our physical, mental and emotional health to continue with the advancement of this world!

Come & join us as we understand & learn how to age actively with grace.

✍🏻 Key Takeaways:
1. Sustainable behavioral change in enhancing quality of life
2. You cannot change your DNA but you can change your lifestyle
3. Empower yourself in your wiser years

RSVP here.

[Event 1] Pathfinding Reading 2.0
Date: 22 June 2024 [Saturday]
Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: SEE Cafe, Mont Kiara KL
Admission Prices:
Silver: RM78 (1x session reading, 1x 20% Off Cake & Drinks Voucher, & 1 Free Goodie Bag)
Gold: RM148 (2x different reading sessions, 1 Free drink & 1 Free Goodie Bag)
Platinum: RM188 (3x different reading sessions. 1 Free drink & 1 Free Goodie Bag)
Venue: SEE Cafe, Mont Kiara KL

Are you lost, confused, seeking clarity and purpose in your life - career, relationship, wealth etc? 💰👩🏻‍🏫💕

Embark on a deeper self-discovery journey with us in Pathfinding Tarot 2.0 Event to unlock the mysteries of your subconscious mind, gain clarity in your life path in wealth 💰, love 💕, career👩🏻‍🏫, and beyond!

🌟 Due to popular demand (from last year's Pathfinding 1.0), this year, we are amplifying the experience with a larger team of expert readers (Tarot, Akashic Record, Numerologist, Yi Jing Oracle & Inner Child Readers etc) , ready to guide you to gain clarity & empowering you to make confident choices. Get ready to explore, grow, and transform like never before!🌟

📋 Purpose & Objectives:
🧠🚀 Understanding the Subconscious, Finding Clarity and Empowerment :
Delve into metaphysics and tarot readings (such as Maya calendar, YiJing, numerology, Tarot cards, Oracle cards, and Qimen, Akashic Record) to uncover the profound messages hidden within your subconscious mind, gain clarity, empowerment & realign your intention towards your goal.⚽

🎫👵🏻🧓🏻Ticket Experience & Fundraising for the Alzheimer's disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM, NGO) :
Participants will have the opportunity to experience 2 to 3 different readings on various topics, including metaphysics, tarot, etc. Alzheimer's disease is prevalent in Malaysia. You are also raising funds as a portion of the ticket sales will support the Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM) to a) raise awareness on Alzheimer's to the public, provides b) tailored care and services for those affected by Alzheimer's.

Do watch this video by ADFM on what is Alzheimer’s & how it affects not just the person with Alzheimer’s but family members, friends & carers around them ➡️

Watch here.

🎫 Ticket Experience and Fundraising :
Tickets purchased by the participants will have the opportunity to experience 2 to 3 different readings on various topics, including metaphysics, tarot, and more. All ticket proceeds will be raised for the NGO.

Join us for a day of self-discovery & gaining clarity, empowering you to make confident choices, making meaningful connections and contributing to a noble cause (ADFM).

RSVP here.

Workshop Throwback


We had an online round-table discussion with different Readers (Akashic Record, Maya, Chinese Metaphysics & Yi Ching Readers) to explain the different types of Metaphysics Readers you can seek for guidance & wisdom in your life path whether it be you want to advance your knowledge or feeling lost & need guidance. We discussed & demystify the myths of Metaphysics Readings. 🌏🔮🃏


Rosston took us on a deep dive understanding on how our inner soul works with 8 consciousness (different stages from our 5 senses to our conscious & subconscious mind) & that we have the power to change our life, living with self-awareness.


As we wrap up the Golden Wellness Campaign, May shared & reminded us on how to unlock 'The Extraordinary Wiser You', of placing importance in our own healthy lifestyle & be informed with current dietary update.



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