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A Valentine’s Day Self-Care Routine!

by Stefanie | 14 Feb 2021

Ah, the season of love. Many of us will probably be celebrating Valentine’s Day just a tad different (a.k.a. being alone) this year but that doesn’t mean the spark has to fade away! The team here at Signature Market would like to give you a friendly reminder to make self-care a priority today, especially!

Here’s to being your own Valentine this year!

I’m a cat lover so I love observing my cat’s every move (literally). Ever felt the satisfaction of a cat whenever it goes into one of those full-body stretches every time they get up from a nap? Well, similar to humans, we need that. There’s a lot of tension and stress stored in our body so whenever you feel extremely physically worn out, just stretch it out. Releasing the kinks in your body not only feels awesome but can also have positive effects on your body and soul.

Begin every day by doing some simple stretches in bed before you actually get out of bed. You’ll definitely feel much better throughout the day!

Giving is better than receiving… but that doesn’t mean we’ve got to just ignore the receiving. Sometimes, being on the receiving end can actually do wonders for your mind. You’ve got to be open to it, though to fully grasp the goodness that comes with it. So today, don’t deflect any kind words that come your way. Embrace it and allow them to warm your heart. You’re truly worthy of all the good in the world.

Tell yourself that and believe in yourself ー trust me, you’ll feel amazing after!

Let’s face it. Life has been pretty much the worst roller coaster we’ve ever been on, particularly since it’s completely out of our control. Though, you can actually control your energy levels to keep yourself motivated and inspired. Be sure to commit to sleep. If you’re working from home, chances are you’re actually neglecting your sleep schedule as it’s a little harder to set aside your work life from your personal life.

So, try getting in at least 8 hours of sleep a day to feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

Happy Valentine’s Day!



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