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Want To Quit Smoking For Good? Here’s How…

by Kevin | 6 Sep 2019

There are many people out there who are struggling with their attempts to quit smoking. In Malaysia, the number of smokers is relatively high. A lot of the people in Malaysia are actually smoking. Some people smoke due to stress and some people smoke cigarettes because they like doing so. A lot of the people out there are actually interested in quitting smoking, but they are lost when it comes to getting there.

Smoking is also often considered as an addiction, one that does not go away easily. Before anything, you need to make sure that you actually want to quit. Have that mindset and smoking will be slightly easier for you to let go off. In this article, we will be taking a look at several tips that you can try implementing on a daily basis in order for you to quit smoking, for good.

How Can I Stop Smoking On My Own?

SET A TIMING. Set your date and time to stop, you are going to quit smoking naturally so simply carry on smoking as usual until then. Set your date and time to stop and carry on smoking as usual right up to that time, do not try to cut down beforehand, that will just make cigarettes seem much more precious rather than less so.

LOOK FORWARD. Remember this, you are not giving up anything that is important for you because cigarettes do absolutely nothing for you at all. They will just provide you with no genuine pleasure or crutch, instead they simply keep you addicted, basically a slave to nicotine.

Get it clearly into your mind, you are losing absolutely nothing and you are making some amazing positive gains not only when it comes to your health, energy and money but also when it comes to your confidence, self respect, freedom and, most important of all, in the length and also the quality of your future life. You are going to enjoy being a non smoker right from the moment you decide to put out your last cigarette.

HAVE A FINAL CIGARETTE. Actually, there is nothing for you to give up, you are actually getting rid of something. Go ahead and light your final cigarette and make a solemn vow to yourself that regardless of what highs or lows that you might go through in the future, you will never puff on another cigarette or take nicotine in any form ever again.

This is one of if not the most important decision that you will ever make because the length and quality of your future life will critically depend on it. And what's more, you realize that it is the correct decision even as you make it. Having made what you know to be the correct and proper decision never even begin to question or to doubt that decision. Your decision is right.

BE COOL ABOUT WITHDRAWAL. Your body will continue to withdraw from nicotine for a few days but that does not mean that you have to be miserable or crave cigarettes. The physical withdrawal that you will go through is very slight, there is no pain, and it will pass quickly. What’s more, it is what the smokers will suffer all their smoking lives. Non smokers do not and will not suffer it. You are a non smoker and so you will soon be free of it forever.

If you often associate a cigarette with having some coffee, tea, drink or break, simply have your coffee, tea, drink or break and at that moment, instead of thinking about something like I am not able to have a cigarette now, simply think this is great, I can enjoy this moment without having to choke myself to death because of cigarettes.

SOCIALISE AS NORMAL. Do not try avoiding situations where you smoke or opt out of life. Just go out and enjoy social occasions right from the start and do not start to envy any smokers, pity them. Realise the fact that they will be envying you due to the reason that every single one of them will be wishing they could be like you, simply free from the whole filthy nightmare. No smoker ever wants to see their children start smoking which means they wish they had not started themselves.

Remember it is not you who is being deprived but those poor smokers. They are being deprived of their health, energy, money, peace of mind, confidence, courage, self respect and as well as freedom. If you are offered a cigarette, just refuse politely, rather than starting a long conversation about how long it has been since you have stopped.

THINK ABOUT IT. Do not try to not to think about smoking, it does not work. If someone says do not think about a brick wall, what are you going to think about? Just make sure that whenever you are thinking about it, you are not thinking that I want a cigarette but I cannot have one, but instead this is marvellous, I do not need to smoke anymore and I do not want to smoke anymore. You are now glad that you are a non smoker. Then you can think about it as much as you like and you will still be happy.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUST ONE. Please, never be fooled into thinking that you can have the odd cigarette just to be sociable or just to simply get over a difficult moment. If you do, you will then find yourself back in the trap in no time at all. Never think in terms of just one cigarette, always think and remember about the whole filthy lifetime’s chain. Remember, there is absolutely no such thing as just one cigarette. When you stop, you stop.

DITCH YOUR CIGARETTES. Do not keep cigarettes on you or anywhere accessible in the case of an emergency. If you do, it means that you are doubting your decision. Non smokers do not and will not need cigarettes. You are already a non smoker the moment you put out that last cigarette. In fact one of the many joys of being free is that you do not have to worry about having cigarettes and a light on you, of ending that slavery.

Power your mind to stop smoking. LoveYourself.♥

Thank you.

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