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Organic Eggs vs. Regular Eggs: Which One Is Better?

by Faraaz | 22 Jan 2019

It has always been a hot topic for debate that which eggs are actually better for you and which ones benefit you more. However, the market for organic eggs in Malaysia is still pretty scarce and has a long way to go before appearing as a major competitor for the regular, conventional eggs that are available in the supermarkets around the country.

However, it comes to no surprise that many people these days are gravitating more towards the organic eggs in Malaysia. This comes to play when people start doing their research and actually finding out how these organic eggs benefit them. Chickens that normally lay organic eggs may live in a caging system but are usually cage free for the most part. They eat organic feed and also do not receive any hormones, vaccines, or even antibiotics. The land the chickens live on must produce the feed and has to be free from the usage of toxic and persistent chemical pesticides as well as fertilizers for a minimum of three years.

Organic production may only still represent just a small fraction of agricultural sales, but it has been booming for the last two decades. Often, we tend to believe that organic means healthier, but organic may not always lead to the food being more nutritious. For years, scientists have been debating whether organic eggs are healthier and better in comparison to the conventional eggs. When it comes down to macronutrients, there is a small difference between the organic eggs and the conventional eggs. Organic eggs contain the same amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and also some fats as conventional eggs do. There is no proof to show that organic eggs have less cholesterol when compared to conventional eggs.

A study conducted later on revealed that the chances of all eggs, both organic and conventional, being contaminated with Salmonella were minor but still plausible. Recent research finds out that organic eggs have more micronutrients in comparison to the conventional eggs. Findings from a research have also suggested that organic chicken eggs have three times the amounts of omega 3 fatty acids than their caged counterpart. The eggs also seem to be containing 40% more vitamin A as well as twice as much vitamin E. With all this out of the way, we will now be going over certain key benefits and health advantages of the organic eggs in comparison to the regular, conventional eggs. Keep in mind that quite a few of the benefits that we are going to be looking at, in some way is better when compared to the conventional eggs. Without any further a due, here are the benefits of the organic eggs.

For eggs to be labeled as an organic product, they must meet requirements drawn up and enforced which need to be met with certain standards. The feed that is given to the chickens cannot come from crops that are genetically altered, treated or influenced with pesticides or herbicides, or fertilized with chemical or even synthetic products. The chickens also cannot be treated with hormones, antibiotics or any other pharmaceuticals. This notes that certain pesticides used in food production can possibly cause cancer, skin irritations, nervous system disruption or even hormonal imbalances in humans. Organic eggs have the tendency of being free from any of those potentially harmful chemical residues.

Organic eggs happen to come from chickens that must have the access to the outdoors all year round. This means that the chickens get exercise and have the opportunity to eat grasses, other plants and also insects in addition to their feed, which may increase the nutritional quality of the fat found in the organic eggs. According to a study, the eggs that come from chickens that are free range and eat a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids tend to come from sources such as grasses and weeds, and lay eggs that are higher in omega 3 fatty acids than chickens that are simply grain fed. Omega 3s play an important role in brain function as well as growth, the reduction in inflammation and can possibly prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart diseases and also arthritis. An independent study conducted also confirms that free ranging chickens lay eggs with two times the omega 3s, one-third of the cholesterol and one-fourth of the saturated fat as the conventional eggs.

According to an egg testing project conducted, eggs from free range chickens contain two-thirds more vitamin A, seven times more beta carotene and three times more vitamin E compared to conventional eggs. These differences are likely to come from the diet of organic chickens that are free range. Getting more vitamin A from organic eggs helps to maintain your immunity system and healthy skin, hair and eyes. Beta carotene, which accounts for the dark orange color of the organic egg yolks, is a catalyst of the vitamin A in your body. It also functions as an antioxidant, helping your body to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer as well as heart disease. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps you to maintain healthy red blood cells, nerve function and also cell membranes.

Organic eggs contain two different types of oxygenated cartenoids called lutein and also zeaxanthin that are crucial in helping you to maintain your optimum eye health and also their functionality. These vitamins are mainly active antioxidants that take residence around your retina. The concentration of these cartenoids is usually higher in the eyes than anywhere else in the body even if you were to compare. These cartenoids are what helps you and your eyes to filter out ultraviolet and high energy blue light spectrums that may cause serious damage to your eyes and vision and also possibly cause diseases such as glaucoma. The high amounts of vitamin A in organic eggs are also attributed to maintaining better eye health.

As you read above, organic eggs contain the vitamins lutein and also zeaxanthin, and both of these contribute to your skin and eyes health. Just like how they tend to work by filtering out blue spectrum light for your eyes, they do the same thing for your skin as well. These cartenoid vitamins help you to prevent negative effects caused by excessive exposure to the sun and also UV light. If skin cancer happens to be in your family’s medical history, you may want to heavily consider implementing and adding more organic eggs into your diet.

Organic eggs are richer in the macronutrient department, choline which your body needs in order to promote healthy liver function. These macronutrients also tend to contribute to a healthier brain development. Choline has proven to help with depression and also memory problems as well as improving the cognitive functions when taken in appropriate doses. Choline helps you to build up cell membranes that aids in sending cues to your brain. When choline levels drop, your liver may possibly also suffer from fatty liver disease. Low choline levels also correlate with different kinds of cancer possibilities.

Many cities actually allow for their residences to have a small chicken coop in their yard, as long as there are not any roosters there. Eggs are already inexpensive but if you eat a fair share of them, fresh eggs just cannot be beat. Chickens are low maintenance and can help to provide you with quality protein and it is also a vitamin food source for you and your family. Implementing more eggs into your diet will help you reap the benefits that they have to offer.

Now this next one, you could say is for all the animal lovers out there in attendance. Organic eggs from chickens are typically not treated with any antibiotics, steroids and also growth hormones. Organic chickens in general may only receive certain and specific vaccinations to prevent the chickens from common diseases only. This has also been approved that chickens receive mineral and also vitamin supplements, but however, they do not in any way encourage outlandish amounts that could potentially lead to any unnatural growth. The general treatment of the chickens also tends to be much better in the sense of being in an organic environment, too. This ensures you, the person consuming these eggs, that no cruelty or anything abusive in such manner had taken place in order for you to receive your eggs, or shall I say organic eggs.

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