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5 Habits for Healthy Living

by Stefanie | 20 Jan 2021

Given the times, it seems as though there’s so much out of our hands. With plenty uncertainty and ongoing research being done to learn more about COVID-19, one thing’s for certain:
It’s never too late to lead a healthy lifestyle!

Here are 5 simple habits to incorporate into your daily lifestyle which not only boosts your immune system but also ensures you’re happier and healthier.

It’s no secret that fruits and veggies have a high nutritional value. Nutritionists have also recommended including more colours on your plate as the more colourful they are, they higher their content of vitamins and antioxidants! They provide great nourishment that your body needs to keep your immune system in check.

Leading an active lifestyle not only feels great but also makes you look great. Exercising is a fantastic way to get your blood flowing. It also keeps your heart healthy and blood pressure at bay. Thankfully, there are tons of exercises for if you’re just starting out so fret not. You’ll definitely find one you love.

Alternatively, try to move more wherever you are. Park at a further parking spot and walk to the store entrance or walk up a flight of stairs to your office instead of taking the elevator. These little habits help keep your body healthy, whether you realize it or not!

Having some occasional stress is unavoidable! From migraines to upset stomachs, we’ve all had our fair share of feeling physically and emotionally drained. While we can’t speak on behalf of everyone due to each of us having different coping mechanisms, it’s always key to find what works best for you. Make self-care a priority by adding it to your daily routine. Calm your body and mind and bring it back down into a healthy balance.

This one goes without saying as well. When you’re physically at rest, your body is still very much awake and alert, constantly working to ensure your systems are in tip top shape! Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep to feel more rested and energetic to take on the day.

Taking the time to ensure your personal hygiene is upkept makes you feel much better than you may think! Especially during these times, be sure to wash and sanitize your hands, wear a mask and keep a safe 1 metre distance from others. These are key to ensuring you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.



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