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Carbonara Ramen by Signature Market

by Kevin | 18 Oct 2019

Who doesn’t like carbonara? Chef Nick is here to give you easy yet healthy carbonara ramen recipe! Look tasty, isn’t it? What are you waiting for? Go ahead and try to make it yourself!

• Signature Market Organic Chia Seed and Beetroot Ramen
• Water
• 2 cloves of Garlic
• Onion
• Olive Oil
• Butter
• Parmesan Cheese
• Whipping Cream
• Black Pepper
• Sea Salt
• Egg Yolk
• Signature Market Shiitake Mushroom Chips
• Signature Market Creamy Salted Egg Fish Skin
• Spring Onion
• Spice Kit Organic Ground Cayenne Pepper Powder

1. Cooked the ramen in boiling water for about 4 to 5 mins.
2. Chop 2 cloves of garlic and a little bit of onion for sweetness.
3. Heat the olive oil and a little bit of butter in a pan. Remember to constantly check the ramen so it won’t be overcooked.
4. Once the butter is melted, add in the garlic and onion. When the garlic and onion are a little bit brown add the boiling ramen water to deglaze the pan.
5. Sliced the parmesan cheese thinly, add into the pan and also add the whipping cream. Seasoned it with black pepper and sea salt. Don’t put too much salt as the parmesan itself is already salty.
6. When the sauce is already boiling, put the cooked ramen and give it a little toss so that it will absorb the flavor. If the ramen and sauce get sticky, add some of the boiling ramen water and give it a stir.
7. Serve the carbonara ramen on a plate, make a hole in the middle. Put only the egg yolk in the middle and torch it for a while.
8. Add the sliced parmesan cheese, shiitake mushroom chips, salted egg fish skin, and chopped spring onion as the toppings. The carbonara ramen is ready to be eaten!

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