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What Healthy People Drink Everyday

by Kevin | 18 Apr 2019

No one enjoys the perils of poor health. And with that, just about everyone wants, at least in some way, to become healthier. Even if you already consider yourself to be somewhat health-conscious, you likely have a running mental list of things you'd like to try in order to improve your health even more. By emulating the habits of healthy people, there's a good chance you will become a healthy person, too. But, did you know that what you drink every day also has the ability to transform your health — for better or for worse? Here are the beverages healthy people drink each and every day.

Water !
You can't talk about what healthy people drink without first considering the ever-important water. They're not wrong. As the molecule of life, we all need to consume water simply to survive. To thrive, however, your water intake should be above the minimum needed to sustain life. Still, the answer to just how much water you should be drinking has varied over time.

But nearly 20 percent of your needed fluids comes from the food you eat. Just make sure to limit yourself to 1 liter (two 16.9-ounce bottles) of water per hour for optimum health.

List of things you can add to your water:

Warm lemon water has picked up steam over the years, especially in Malaysia. If you're wondering if it's actually good for you, it is. However, it's not quite the cure-all many people have claimed. 

While the warmed lemon beverage has been said to improve digestion, this is more speculation than scientific fact. The drink has also been credited with enhancing mineral absorption — and that claim is actually true due to the vitamin C content in lemon juice. If lemons aren't your thing, though, you can get vitamin C through fruits like strawberries or vegetables like kale and broccoli. Though hot kale water isn't really that pleasing to your tastebuds.

Beets Beets Beets!
There aren't many drinks that beat out beet juice — at least as far as its health benefits are concerned. Whether you love or hate the taste of beets, the juice of the colourful root vegetable has some pretty magical properties.

People who drank eight ounces of beetroot juice per day experienced lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Other studies have shown that drinking the beverage may reduce your cholesterol, improve stamina during exercise, and may even work to prevent cancer. It's also a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and other important minerals like iron, calcium, and manganese. 

Coffee addicts, it's time to rejoice. Healthy people do indeed drink java on the reg. Chock full of healthy goodness, coffee actually makes up a large part of the average Westerner's antioxidant intake — far more than most of us get from fruits and vegetables. Drinking coffee has even been linked to a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The question is: how much coffee should you actually drink? Well, it depends. To lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, at least three cups is recommended. Four cups or more has been shown to be the sweet spot for both avoiding cirrhosis, a chronic liver disease, and improving your mental health and lowering the risk of suicide. Those who drink up to five cups a day may even live longer than those who either don't drink coffee or drink fewer than four to five cups. Also, stay away from sweeteners.

If you're not a coffee drinker, you may be pleased to know that tea has some health benefits of its own. All types of tea consist of something called polyphenols that work to reduce inflammation and even help fight cancer. green tea can be a great alternative as it still has caffeine — just not quite as much. Because of another fancy ingredient, L-theanine, found in green tea, some people find that it provides them a more stable "buzz" compared to a cup of coffee.

You may think of Kombucha as the quintessential hipster beverage and, while you're not wrong, there are plenty of good reasons to consume the liquid. Kombucha is created by adding strains of bacteria, yeast, and sugar to black or green tea. The tea is then left to ferment for at least a week. In that time, probiotics are formed and the tea becomes carbonated. When you drink the fermented beverage, you'll notice how bubbly — and arguably delicious — it's become.

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