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Give Your Foods That Flavour Boost With These Herbs & Spices!

by Faraaz | 17 Apr 2019

There are plenty of herbs and spices available around Malaysia that most certainly add that extra edge to your food. Herbs and spices have been used around the world for the longest amount of time in order to boost that flavour that you get from your meals, and Malaysia is no stranger to that. Spices tend to give aroma, color, flavor, and sometimes even texture to our food. Each spice, chili, or herb contains some specific, unique chemical compound that will create these sensual qualities. Even the casual cooks are probably able to identify the four most well known flavor profiles, which are bitter, salty, sour, and also sweet. When we talk about spices, a true spice aficionado is simply not able to be limited to just four or even five. For these people, there are far more equally identifiable flavor characteristics, such as cooling, earthy, floral, fruity, herbaceous, hot, nutty, piney, pungent, spicy, sulfury, and as well as woody. For the most part, spices usually do not have just a single flavor profile. For instance, the popular spice cumin will fall into a few of the flavor profiles as it is both earthy and also spicy. Thyme is bitter, floral, herbaceous, and also piney. And for that reason, in this article we will be taking a look at a few different types of herbs and spices that will certainly boost the flavour of your meals and as well as carry a few benefits for your health!

Over recent times, turmeric has become a hot topic in the health food circle and for good reason. While it is known for being added into delicious curries, its uses are becoming increasingly versatile as time goes on. People love it because it can be added into your diet so easily, which simply makes it much easier to reap the amazing health benefits of this super spice. First and foremost, turmeric is known to be an incredible inflammation fighter. It can even make a significant difference in individuals who are suffering from rheumatic pain. This is because of constituent curcumin, the active constituent and yellow bioactive compound, which gives turmeric its colour.

Curcumin has a wide variety of biological interactions when it is consumed. Its anti inflammatory benefits make it a good alternative for healing leaky gut, improving the digestion, and dealing with autoimmune issues with inflammatory side effects. Due to curcumin’s anti inflammatory properties, it has the ability to decelerate inflammation related ageing processes and also diseases. Curcumin is also effective at increasing the antioxidant capacity in your body. It is one of the most concentrated antioxidant foods you could possibly consume! This leads to an overall reduction of oxidative stress. Finally, curcumin can also increase your immunity with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, which protects against cancer and the development of tumours, and also promotes heart health.

Ginger is yet another versatile spice that is really easy to be used. Fresh ginger and ground ginger are both equally beneficial. You may even get ginger essential oil. Some people tend to like it brewed in teas. It is also commonly known as a powerful remedy for the people with an achy belly, but its benefits tend to extend far beyond that. For people, ginger is often a part of their daily routine. Did you know that it is closely related to turmeric? Just like turmeric, it is also anti inflammatory. This is why it is so soothing for an upset stomach which may often be connected to a root cause of inflammation somewhere down the line. Ginger may also decrease markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein.

Additionally, ginger can also protect against stomach ulcers and it may treat menstrual cramps. It can also relieve both nausea and diarrhea. Drinking ginger tea is also great for relieving flu symptoms as well. Raw ginger is also relatively higher in minerals such as potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorous, and also iron. In comparison to other spices, it is easier to get a substantial amount of vitamins from ginger because you may use the raw root which will provide you with the most bioavailable source of these minerals. In terms of vitamins, you can also get a vitamin B6 and vitamin C boost from ginger. This may be why it is so amazing for immunity. Oh, it is also a great prebiotic food to promote better gut health!

Cinnamon is also notoriously packed with antioxidant capacity. It is actually one of the most concentrated sources meaning that even just a little bit of cinnamon, around 1 teaspoon per day, can potentially help you get a healthy boost. Antioxidants will also help slow down the ageing process, it reduces oxidative stress and it also eliminates the toxins. Just like turmeric and ginger, cinnamon is also anti inflammatory. If you really want to gain the benefits, try having all three together. They just so happen to be able to complement one another very well! It is also thought that cinnamon may potentially be a good fighter of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and also Parkinson’s.

It may possibly protect the neurons in our brains, and inhibit proteins connected to these diseases, and it even improves motor function. Overall, cinnamon is yet another awesome food for the brain and the body. Cinnamon may also aid in healthier skin, improving brain function, and also fighting infection. It is great for managing the blood sugar and insulin levels which is why people love adding it to fruits, sweet potatoes, oats, and also other healthy carbs. Finally, cinnamon is also a powerful cancer fighter. It may potentially inhibit the growth of tumours, also preventing DNA damage, and as well as cell mutation.

Sage is one of the most beautiful herbs, and it is so simple to grow at home. It does smell great and it taste even better. People love it fresh, but it also works its magic dried and also ground for easy use, mainly outside of growing season. It will add a certain depth to the meals, and adding a crispy sage leaf garnish can alter an ordinary meal into something extraordinary. No, sage is not just meant for the Thanksgiving or Christmas table! Use it all year round for its amazing health benefits. Sage is also used to boost cognition, so whether you opt to eat it or inhale the scent of it, you can expect some brain boost. It has been known to elevate memory recall and retention, so it can be a super food for the mind.

This may also be connected to the potential for sage to be a preventative food for degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and also Parkinson’s. Sage is relatively high in vitamin K, with just two grams providing 43% of the daily recommendation. It may also normalize the cholesterol levels, treating symptoms of menopause, and also improving blood sugar which is particularly helpful for those having diabetes. Lastly, like most herbs and spices, sage has anti inflammatory properties and as well as plenty of antioxidants. People often make a strong sage infusion for gargling in the mouth whenever they have a sore or inflamed throat or achy teeth.

Parsley tends to contain vitamin C, vitamin A, some folate, and also iron. It is high in antioxidants which may reduce free radical damage and oxidative stress markers. It is even considered a chemo protective plant due to its properties being able to fight against the damage to DNA. Like most of the herbs, parsley is also high in minerals such as calcium. If you are feeling bloated, parsley’s anti inflammatory properties may be helpful. Parsley even acts as a natural diuretic and it stimulates the kidney which may help you shed some water weight and also reduce bloating. Finally, it is both antibacterial and antifungal, which makes parsley oil great for the skin because it can fight the bacteria and clears blemishes.

Next, we have cumin. One of its main compounds, thymol, aids in the production of bile, stomach acid, and also digestive enzymes. This may improve the efficacy of digestion, naturally treat haemorrhoids or aid in preventing them, and also reduce the severity of gas. Moreover, some of these benefits may be connected to the fiber content available in cumin. Vitamin E which is found in cumin tends to act as an antioxidant. Vitamin E is mainly good for having healthy, glowing skin. It is also pretty high in vitamin C, so like many spices on the list today, it may be a powerful immune booster. Lastly, cumin is anti congestive, antiviral, and antibacterial which means that it is great for warding off infection or in clearing up the airways while undergoing respiratory stress.

Thank you.

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