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Making Kefir at home!
Kefir is taking over Malaysia by storm and we're definitely hooked! The latest health obsession in fermented foods is kefir, basically a yogurt-like drink that's popping up across the country. It's loaded with beneficial bacteria that can keep your gut healthy, and it tastes good, to boot! The only difference in kefir to yogurt drinks is that it has a tart somewhat sour taste and also has a slight fizziness in it due to carbon dioxide buildup during fermentation. The length of the fermentation time will affect the taste. Kefir is a good source of calcium and is rich in probiotic bacteria.
Sure it's trending rapidly now in Malaysia however kefir is anything but something new. Experts believe that people figured out how to make kefir around 2,000 years ago, in an effort to extend the freshness of milk. Despite its ancient roots, kefir is more relevant than ever which started to grow its hype in the former Soviet Union.
With the ever shining limelight on fermented foods and their impact on our health, kefir is becoming more available and accessible. You can now find it in conventional supermarkets, big health food stores and even small, independent stores.
You can spend months taste-testing different kefir brands until you find your favourite one. But why not learn how to make kefir at home, instead? The technique is surprisingly easy, and once you try your homemade kefir, it'll be love at first sip. Here's everything you need to know about how to make kefir in your own kitchen (along with some reasons you should!).
Making kefir is a lot simpler than making many other types of fermented foods. There are only two ingredients and five steps in the entire process. But if you need an extra dose of motivation to finally give it a try, take a look at the many health benefits of this beverage.
Kefir is loaded with both probiotics to promote a healthy gut.
Health benefits aside, there's also another very good reason to learn how to make kefir at home which is that you can have full control in the flavour of your kefir. Store-bought kefir may have added sugars, natural and/or artificial flavours, thickening agents, and preservatives. You can avoid these and other potentially dubious ingredients by making your own kefir from ingredients you trust. The only two ingredients you'll need are milk (dairy, goat, or coconut) and kefir grains (more details on recommended ingredients below!).
If someone really wants fruit-flavoured kefir, they can just get or make plain kefir and mix in their own fruits. That way, you get the benefits of real strawberries, for example, not just the flavouring and sugar.
Finally, homemade kefir isn't just good for your body—it also keeps the wallet healthy. If you have time to spend in the kitchen, making plain kefir can be cheaper than buying it at the store. The most expensive parts of getting started are buying the kefir grains and cheesecloth. Those items (plus a bottle of milk) shouldn't run you more than about RM30 in total. After your first batch, all you'll need is more milk to make a second (and a third…and a fourth!). And since the majority of that time is spent just waiting for your batch of kefir to ferment, you can easily tackle other items on your to-do list in the process.
The first step in learning how to make kefir at home is choosing the milk you wish to use. Cow's or goat's milk has been traditionally used to make kefir. Since this will form the base of the drink, make sure you're getting dairy you feel good about. The majority of milk in our society today is not healthy. Most cow milk is homogenised and has the fat removed, along with a lot of the nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins. You should only buy full-fat milk to make dairy kefir.
Thus when it comes to making kefir, the best type of milk to use are from grass-fed cows and definitely organic ones as we need to reduce our exposure of antibiotics through food sources. This will give your kefir a rich flavour and nutrient composition. These are all based on your choice but regardless of which type of dairy milk you go with, just make sure it's pasteurised. If you're lactose intolerant or just looking for a plant-based alternative, you can make dairy-free kefir out of coconut milk or coconut water instead of cow's milk.
When you read about how to make kefir, you'll discover that only two ingredients are required: milk and kefir grains. Even though they're called kefir grains, they're not grains at all. They're symbiotic cultures [made from both yeast and bacteria]. They look like little bunches, similar to cottage cheese.
While shopping for kefir grains, there are two varieties to choose from: live and dried. Live kefir grains can be added to milk to start making kefir right away while dried grains will need to be rehydrated in fresh, pasteurised milk for a few days before you can use them. Both types of kefir grains work equally well and can be reused over and over again. Plus, kefir grains grow over time. Give some of your extra ones to a friend who also wants to learn how to make kefir—sharing is caring!
The origins of the word kefir come from the Turkish word "keyif," which translates to "feel good." While some may associate that name with the drink's delicious flavor and health benefits, we like to think it refers to the feeling you'll get when you see just how simple (and affordable!) it is to make. Here's how to make kefir at home.
Ingredients and equipment:
-2 cups of fresh milk (Recommended: Full-fat, grass-fed cow's milk, goat's milk, coconut milk, or even coconut water)
-2 teaspoons active kefir grains
-Clean glass jar
-Wooden spoon
-Rubber band
-Airtight pitcher with lid
1. Pour the milk into the glass jar and gently stir in the kefir grains with a wooden spoon.
2. Spread the cheesecloth over the rim of the jar. Use the rubber band to secure it in place. It's important to allow some of the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process to release, so don't seal the jar with a lid. (Otherwise, the container could burst.)
3. Place the jar on your kitchen counter away from direct sunlight, and cultivate some patience (it's the hardest part of how to make kefir!). The mixture needs to sit at room temperature (65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) to ferment for at least 12 hours but no more than 48 hours. The warmer the room, the faster your kefir will ferment. You can taste test your kefir every few hours until it's just as thick and sour as you like it.
4. Once you're satisfied with the texture of your kefir, turn the cheesecloth-covered jar upside down over a pitcher to strain the kefir and catch the grains. You can save these kefir grains in a small container of fresh milk in the fridge until you're ready to make another batch. (Or toss them in a couple more cups of milk to start your next batch.)
5. Pour yourself a glass of kefir, and enjoy! Place the lid on the pitcher with the remaining kefir and put it in the fridge. Homemade kefir keeps for up to a week. If you notice any separation, use a whisk to mix your kefir back together.
6. Optional: There are also techniques for how to make kefir with other flavours, like the fruity ones you can find at the grocery store. Simply follow steps 1 through 4 in the instructions above, then pour some of your homemade kefir into a blender with a half-cup of chopped fruit (like berries or bananas) and pulse until smooth. Store your flavoured kefir in the fridge for up to a week.
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