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Tackling the Issue: Obesity in Malaysia

by Faraaz | 12 Dec 2018

Malaysia and Malaysians have the notorious honor of being the most obesity stricken country in Southeast Asia and one of the most obese countries in the world. The culture of food in our country is one of the most driving factors contributing to this menacing issue. Obesity in Malaysia has reached dangerous levels. This problem has also lead Malaysia to become the country with the largest productive years lost amongst males and females. Another shocking fact is that only a third of Malaysians adults have ever exercised in their lives. This is shocking when you also see the fact that only a mere number of Malaysians exercise adequately. And the thing that baffles a ton of people is that, some Malaysians tend to view obesity to be more of a cosmetic issue rather than a serious and life threatening health issue.

Some also consider smoking to be as bad as being obese. This is because the issues that being an obese person carries is as severe. Being obese leads too many complicated disease of the heart, liver and also your skin. Obesity in a person can lead to the failure of your heart and livers, as well as causing a heart attack. Obesity in Malaysia has without a doubt, reached extreme levels due to the contribution from the people’s lifestyles, their unhealthy choices of food and drinks as well as the culture. The country is making efforts to reduce this number and change the habits of many Malaysians as they can. This is also taken into consideration after a huge sum of money is being invested into the healthcare benefits of Malaysians. The government has also come up with ways to help people with obesity with a number of ways and also by taking into consideration the acceptability, finances and human resources of those strategies. There have also been frequent workshops that have been implemented for obesity. But of course, without us wanting to make a change for the better of our own health, all of these efforts would come to no vain.

In Malaysia, food is something that we all tend to love and most of us, indulge in it. It isn’t wrong to love the food that we have in our country, but there should be a sense of moderation when eating such foods that are particularly, oily and very, very fattening. There are a number of different ways that you could choose for yourself in order to lose the weight and ultimately, coming out a healthier person. First of all, it depends on you whether you would want to take matters into your own hand by simply planning your own diet. But it is highly recommended that you consult a health care provider or a doctor, who can examine the extent of the issue thus far and provide you with the best diet plan to make things easier for yourself.

The first thing would be to be able to control your diet. If you are obese then you need to pay a lot of attention towards the type of food intake that you have and your diet. Eating a lot of meals in a day is not at all recommended for the obese person. Only a number of meals in a day are enough. The intake of the fats and carbohydrates must be completely stopped in order to put a halt to the weight gain process. So, controlling the diet is the first step to recovery and reducing the intake of fats to stop obesity. Drink more amount of water than usual. It would be best for the weight loss to increase your water intake and have 1 liter of extra water in a day. Yes, it would increase your trips to bathroom, but it will help you a lot to overcome obesity. Adequate amount of water will not allow the fats to get stored in your body and would remove the excessive and unnecessary fats out of your system and your body. This will help a ton in the process of you shedding weight. If you are able to control the weight gain and burn some fats then you are on the right path of recovery from obesity. It is also important that you avoid and stop the consumption of sugary drinks and beverages, especially carbonated drinks. Replaces this with water or unsweetened tea which would help stay away from unnecessary sugar intake. Walk more to overcome obesity one step at a time. Walking is the simplest form of an exercise that would assist you in losing the weight.

Whatever might be the reason for the weight gain, once you start walking daily for about 10-15 minutes then your weight would be under control and even the process of losing the weight and fats would be aggravated. You need to follow the walking routine regularly to earn the good and positive results. I assure that walking would be a really helpful source for you to overcome obesity and lose weight. Eat fruits that are rich in Vitamin C to remove the fats and fight obesity. Vitamin C is the helpful for the weight loss as it removes and clears out all the undigested stored fats that are in your body. If you drink the lemon juice daily after the lunch and dinner then your weight gain process would be completely startled. Even eating the orange fruit daily may be very helpful and useful to obtain the desired weight loss results. So, start increasing the consumption of the fruits rich in Vitamin C daily, which would help you to attain the desired weight loss and help you in the overall process of overcoming obesity.

Sleeping properly and well helps boost the process of reducing obesity. Obese people are generally deprived of the sleep because the excessive amounts of fat they have makes it harder for the person to breathe properly, which bothers the sleep and the overall quality of sleep that they get. So, it would be optimum if they are able to sleep properly and regularly. It is during your sleep when the body processes work and burns the maximum amounts of the fat. But, on the flip side, please do not snooze in excessive amounts or else it will promote the weight gain. So sleeping for about 7-8 hours in a day is sufficient for an adult individual.

Also, it is necessary for you to set realistic goals, such as losing a little bit of weight every week which is doable. And making sure that you have your breakfast and avoiding over eating later on in the day is very important as well. You should also realize that skipping meals will not help speed up the process of you losing weight. So ensuring that you do not skips your meals and that you have the meals regularly, and in small portions will help you in its way. You also need to make healthier choices, such as replacing fast food with vegetables that will not promote the growth of increased carbohydrates in your body and instead, you are feeding your body the good stuff.

You also need to remember to remain free from stress and that you need to relax your mind and your body from time to time. This calm feeling that you have, helps you make better choices as to what you decide to put into your body.

Finally, this is going to be a long haul. A marathon that you need to last through and not a race that you would expect to finish in to time. Motivate yourself by thinking about the positive changes that this will bring into your life. Think about how the good outweighs the bad in this situation and always keep a strong and focus attitude and keep striving towards your goal. Get support from your friends and family if the need be to gain your source of motivation from elsewhere. There is no harm in doing things your way and doing what you need to do in order to come through this process. But always remember to do things the right way. By following a diet, having proper meals and not cheating yourself with the food you have, and knowing that sooner rather than later you will reach that point where you will say that you are proud of what you have achieved all by yourself, on your own merit. And without a shadow of a doubt, you guys who make it deserve the uttermost respect because this is tough. It is challenging, but not impossible.

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