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Have You Tried Yoga Yet?

by Faraaz | 11 Dec 2018

Yoga has been practiced by yogis for the longest period of times. Yoga has always been considered to be one of the more efficient ways of both meditating and getting a better physique. Some and certain yogis tend to dedicate and invest their time to be proficient at yoga. Yoga is what many consider to be a great form of meditation and connecting to themselves more on a spiritual level. In Malaysia itself, there are a number of yoga retreats. Currently, there seems to be an extent to which yoga is growing across the nation and this itself contributes to the increasing number of yoga retreats across the country. A number of people hear the word yoga and think of some sort of stretching and breathing, but yoga is much more complex than this. Yoga is something that is based off of body alignment. The people that tend to practice yoga were less aggressive, less excitable, evaluated their life satisfaction higher, had less somatic complaints, and were in higher spirits. Meditation and yoga are similar to exercising when it comes to relieving stress and enhancing mood. This means that a lot of the people who are interested in being able to be one with their selves tend to resort to such methods.

Throughout these years, since the knowledge of yoga came into existence, there have been many variations of it. There is the pre-classical yoga and this was when the art of yoga was initially developed in the beginnings of it. Following this was the classical yoga which was a mix of separate ideas, beliefs and techniques that often collided with one another. These ideologies as to how yoga should be were not yet certain and these always used to be confliction and contradiction. After that came the period of post-classical yoga which was the second most prominent time for these practices. This was a way to rejuvenate the body and to longer living through the system of practices created by the yoga masters back then. Lastly, came the modern period where the masters begin travelling with this art and garnering a lot of attention. Hence attracting attention and gaining followers for this art. Yoga has also seen as a way to be closer to God in certain beliefs.

They also have a tendency of believing that yoga is a way of getting life’s answers to the questions that they are either oblivious to or are unaware of. This created the mindset in a lot of people before this to use this form of meditation to gain a closer and deeper connection with God. While some saw this from a skeptical point of view, for some people, this has become a way of living and being one with themselves. Besides yoga being seen as a medium for connecting and yoking with a supreme being, it is also been proven over the years to have a number of benefits that people can gain of from this art. Besides being meditation of art and science, people over the years have made the jump to yoga due to the calm demeanor of the form of exercise itself. Yoga tends to enhance a lot of the systems in the body, to name some these are muscular, skeletal and the reproductive system.

Yoga tends to provide the body with better strength and muscle tone. A balanced practice will also include a mix of relaxing and strength-building poses. Regularly practicing yoga will lead to an increased muscle tone. Yoga also tends to boost greater flexibility. One of the most well-known benefits of yoga is the fact that it increases your flexibility. Keeping your joints, tendons, and muscles limber is necessary in order to avoid injuries, and for reducing pain and tension throughout the body drastically. For instance, many people going through arthritis find relief from pain and stiffness through yoga. Greater flexibility also improves body alignment, creating better posture whilst decreasing back and neck pain to a substantial level. Yoga also tends to create this mental edge in your head, which you may initially lack. For example, someone struggling to touch their toes in their first attempt at yoga, later on trains their body and their brain to the extent that they are able to touch their toes in the next couple of classes. This means training your mind and body to be able to achieve what you wanted to initially. And this most certainly gives people a mental edge of achieving what they want to. Yoga also tends to benefit people increase their levels of energy.

Yoga reduces stress, releases tight muscles, and brings the body into equal amounts of balance that your body needs. These benefits not only help you sleep better, but they result in effectively reducing fatigue and increased energy throughout the day. Yogis believe the practice activates and balances their energy centers which are also called chakras, allowing the life force to flow freely throughout their bodies, increasing overall vitality. Yoga increasing helps people achieve better balance through the various positions that the people tend to exercise and meditate in. The pose practiced in yoga utilizes various muscles and movements that contribute to the overall balance throughout the body. Physical balance increases your stability and coordination, which can help reduce the risk of being injured of getting hurt in the out most fragile way. Being balanced also refers to the state of evenness that your body can recover and maintain with more frequent yoga practice. When your internal and centralized systems are working together and are in accordance, greater health can be achieved.

Yoga over the years has also been incorporated in the form of stretching to reduce body pains and aches. Certain stretches from yoga has been effective to reduce or remove the pain someone is undergoing altogether. It has been seen to be effective to reduce prolonged back pain and headaches. It has also seen to be working well for people who want to remove certain pains or just reduce the amount of discomfort that they are going through. Besides all of these physical transformations and help that yoga can possibly provide, there are also certain aspects that yoga can help treat you in that aren’t just physical recovery. Yoga can help people obtain a better mental health. This has been said by people undergoing stress or even feeling depressed in the initial stages that yoga did help them recover from it and they were able to snap out of it before the mentioned issues could worsen.

Yoga can also help people gain mental strength and receive a positive boost from the meditation itself. This is prominent through the mental toughness that an individual needs in order to execute certain positions in the exercise properly. And many people have felt happy doing yoga. Being able to be one with themselves in a peaceful and quiet surrounding makes them feel more peace and happiness. And yoga does help a person to lose weight as well. This happens through the fat that your body burns when you tend to meditate in certain positions. Yoga also helps your body benefit from a spiritual and emotional aspect. This is because people often tend to feel a connection between their body, mind and soul after practicing this for a certain period of time. Finally, along the illustrious history and an array of benefits, the good that yoga brings to someone speaks for themselves. People have tend to feel much happier and be in a much better physical and mental, as well as emotional state after practicing yoga for a while.

When practicing yoga over an extended period of time, the changes become more dominant as it reflects on your body and your soul. You feel different. You take more care of your own body and mind and this only helps you more in the latter stages and periods of your life. From providing benefits to your bones and your heart to ensuring a more stable mental health along with feeling a happier person, there is simply a plethora of good that yoga has to offer for anyone interested in gaining them. I would personally strongly recommend trying yoga as it is not a time consuming exercise as well as very flexible for anyone looking to try something, different and unique. Yoga can also be done on the go while you may be rushing or in hurry, and an exercise like that, is always a major plus.

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