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Best Organic Vegetables You Can Get in Malaysia

As the demand of healthy living increases in Malaysia, the supplies of health-related food and beverages are constantly increasing as well. Due to our tropical weather, Malaysia is a great place to grow fruits & vegetables and our choices of organic vegetables Malaysia has been growing. Organic vegetables are vegetables that are grown in the most natural way possible. These vegetables are never exposed to any chemicals in the process of their growth with the complete care & sufficient nutrients. Organic farms only treats the products with natural fertilizers and never synthetic fertilizers and the water that is used is pure. Consuming organic vegetables would bring many benefits towards our overall health. Some of the main benefits are that organic vegetables Malaysia brings to us is that these vegetables are much safer for us to consume it as it is not exposed to any chemicals such as pesticides, germicides, and other harmful chemicals. There is also word that dishes made with organic products are more tasteful than regular products. The difference is that vegetables that are exposed to chemicals tend to absorb more water. So what are you waiting for? Let’s check out which are the best organic vegetables that you can get in Malaysia!

One of the most common vegetables that is consumed worldwide, broccoli has been known to be super healthy and of course, there are a lot of researches that supports this. One of the benefits of consuming broccoli is that it it contains sulforaphane that helps fight cancer. Not only that, eating broccoli can also help prevent heart diseases. There are also presence of fiber in broccoli that helps the function of our digestive systems. It also regulates our cholesterol at a good level and it aids in cleaning out our colons the natural way!
Preparation suggestion: There are many ways that we could prepare broccoli however the most simple methods of preparation would be to roast it with some olive oil. You could roast it with other vegetables to boost nutrition and also the flavor of your dish.

Much included on many diet plans, cabbage is well known to spur weight loss. However, there are other pros to this vegetable that you’d definitely want to add in in your next shopping list! Cabbages possesses anti-cancer properties. For men, consuming cabbages would help prevent prostate cancer. On the other hand, it has been shown that cabbages help women ward off breast cancers. For those with family history of these diseases, cabbage would be a valuable vegetable! It is also found that cabbages have naturally low number of calories & low fat content. For those looking to get a healthier weight, consuming cabbages is a way to get abundant of fiber and vitamins but not adding too much to your caloric intake on the daily basis.
Preparation suggestion: Best way to ensure that you eat more of cabbages is to finding out a way to make it more appetizing. A simple dish that you could try making with cabbage is Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad. All you would need are some thin sliced cabbages mixed with some vinegar, soy sauce, extra virgin olive oil, some minced ginger, minced garlic and some cooked chicken breast. Tossed it all in and you’re good to go!

Commonly obtainable, tomatoes are definitely one of the best organic vegetables Malaysia that you can get. Tomatoes has strong anti-cancer properties as well that comes from the contents of lycopene in it. Lycopene also helps by fighting diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, osteoporosis and infertility. It is also found that it has abilities to challenge premature aging of the skin as it has antioxidant nature and also able to fight free radical damages. However, this is not all that tomatoes offer. Another benefit is the key vitamin support with vitamins such as Vitamin K. Also, you are able to obtain sufficient amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamins C, along with potassium and also some fiber.
Preparation suggestion: Although tomatoes can be eaten raw, the best way to release the most lycopene is to be sure to cook the tomatoes. The cooking procedure radically increases the count of lycopene, subsequently increases the benefits you'll get from eating tomatoes. To get the best out of it, you can prepare a Roasted Tomato and Vegetable Soup, adding more vegetables and adding nutrients into the mix.

Carrots Most commonly known as the vegetable that improves eyesight, the beta-Carotene in carrots also gives a lot more to our bodies which makes carrots one of the best vegetables you can find.The high content of beta-Carotene in carrots are usually converted to Vitamin A in our bodies, that help boost our immune system and of course strengthen our eyes. Other than that, carrots also provide some potassium and fiber. With the endless possibilities of turning carrots into delicious meals, carrots are the easiest vegetables to include in your daily diet for improved overall wellbeing and health.
Preparation suggestion: Quick way to add carrots into your meals are to cup them and add them to soups. Besides that, you can buy mini carrots that you can add into salads easily. And organic mini carrots are often more available in smaller amounts so that you won’t have to buy big amounts.

Bell Pepper s
Also known as Capsicums, bell peppers hosts many benefits that are worth your while no matter the colour of it. Available in green, red and yellow, all bell peppers aids to improve the appearance of your dishes and the bright colours shows us that there are antioxidants within. One of the remarkable things about bell peppers is that the content of Vitamin C is beyond charts which makes them crucial to help boost our immune systems. This would lead to an improved overall health and less likely of catching any illness both in short term and long term degenerative diseases. Last but not least, bell pepper are known to be a low-calorie food which makes them a great addition to those that are looking to cut a few kilos as it would add too much to your total calories of the day.
Preparation suggestion: This versatile vegetable could be used in many ways, you can use them as a side dish for your main entree, stuff them with fillings and roast them or the best option is to grill them along with some onions and serve them along with fajitas!

Although celeries are not very popular, it is one of the easily obtained organic vegetables Malaysia in grocery stores and fresh markets and for sure worth the nutritions it provides. It is often known as the vegetable that people would turn to when trying to lose weight or maintaining a healthy diet. To achieve a high-level of health possible, it is really important to reduce excessive inflammation in our bodies and consuming celeries would help just that! This is due to the fact that celery is an alkaline food and contains high amounts of water which means that it’s a hydrating vegetable. So, eating celery are just like drinking more water but with more benefits! Another reason why celery is commonly associated with losing weight is due to the low calorie count, it is so low that it’s virtually fat free!
Preparation suggestion: To many people, eating celery sticks raw would be a major turn off, however paired with peanut butter, it can be much more tolerable! Who doesn’t love peanut butter right? You can also add small pieces of celery into soups and salads, this way you would still eat them but with boosted flavours. Lastly, it is also possible to add them into a green smoothie for a quicker consumption.

Most commonly known by locals as Brinjal but also to be known as Eggplant or Aubergine, this vegetable is high in heart-healthy supplements. Eggplants are wealthy in cancer prevention agents like nasunin (a remarkable compound that shields your brain cells from harm). What's more, since eggplants are stacked with fiber and potassium, specialists trust they may decrease your danger of stroke and dementia.
Preparation suggestion: As this vegetable is commonly used in asian cuisine, there are endless possibilities to prepare it in a dish. One of the most common dishes would be Stir Fried Eggplants. An alternative dish that you could explore would be Eggplant Parmesan.

These impactful smelling veggies are especially wonderful for individuals experiencing (or in danger of creating) osteoporosis. That is on the grounds that onions are stacked with a peptide called GPCS, which researchers come to believe help moderates your body's loss of calcium. Onions may likewise be valuable in the battle against coronary illness and diabetes since they're weighted with Vitamin C and folate.
Preparation suggestion: Onions are mostly used as an incorporation to other dishes and not the main ingredient. However there are also some dishes that features onions such as French Onion Soup.

Cucumbers contain the majority of the nutrients required by our body on a daily basis. It contains a lot of different vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6. Not only that, it has also contents of magnesium, iron, calcium and folic acid. Since cucumbers are made out of about 96% water, it assists us to keep us hydrated and to help meet our needs of fluid.It also contains a decent measure of fiber which with water, helps prevent constipation and improves our bowel movements.
Preparation suggestion: Cucumbers are best eaten the way it is. However there also tons of ways to prepare it to be more appetizing. One of the many salad recipes that you can find is Cucumber and Charred Onion Salad. A combo of cucumber, onions and some dressing, it will no doubt be full of nutrients.

One of the most common vegetables that is consumed worldwide, broccoli has been known to be super healthy and of course, there are a lot of researches that supports this. One of the benefits of consuming broccoli is that it it contains sulforaphane that helps fight cancer. Not only that, eating broccoli can also help prevent heart diseases. There are also presence of fiber in broccoli that helps the function of our digestive systems. It also regulates our cholesterol at a good level and it aids in cleaning out our colons the natural way!
Preparation suggestion: There are many ways that we could prepare broccoli however the most simple methods of preparation would be to roast it with some olive oil. You could roast it with other vegetables to boost nutrition and also the flavor of your dish.

Much included on many diet plans, cabbage is well known to spur weight loss. However, there are other pros to this vegetable that you’d definitely want to add in in your next shopping list! Cabbages possesses anti-cancer properties. For men, consuming cabbages would help prevent prostate cancer. On the other hand, it has been shown that cabbages help women ward off breast cancers. For those with family history of these diseases, cabbage would be a valuable vegetable! It is also found that cabbages have naturally low number of calories & low fat content. For those looking to get a healthier weight, consuming cabbages is a way to get abundant of fiber and vitamins but not adding too much to your caloric intake on the daily basis.
Preparation suggestion: Best way to ensure that you eat more of cabbages is to finding out a way to make it more appetizing. A simple dish that you could try making with cabbage is Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad. All you would need are some thin sliced cabbages mixed with some vinegar, soy sauce, extra virgin olive oil, some minced ginger, minced garlic and some cooked chicken breast. Tossed it all in and you’re good to go!

Commonly obtainable, tomatoes are definitely one of the best organic vegetables Malaysia that you can get. Tomatoes has strong anti-cancer properties as well that comes from the contents of lycopene in it. Lycopene also helps by fighting diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, osteoporosis and infertility. It is also found that it has abilities to challenge premature aging of the skin as it has antioxidant nature and also able to fight free radical damages. However, this is not all that tomatoes offer. Another benefit is the key vitamin support with vitamins such as Vitamin K. Also, you are able to obtain sufficient amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamins C, along with potassium and also some fiber.
Preparation suggestion: Although tomatoes can be eaten raw, the best way to release the most lycopene is to be sure to cook the tomatoes. The cooking procedure radically increases the count of lycopene, subsequently increases the benefits you'll get from eating tomatoes. To get the best out of it, you can prepare a Roasted Tomato and Vegetable Soup, adding more vegetables and adding nutrients into the mix.

Carrots Most commonly known as the vegetable that improves eyesight, the beta-Carotene in carrots also gives a lot more to our bodies which makes carrots one of the best vegetables you can find.The high content of beta-Carotene in carrots are usually converted to Vitamin A in our bodies, that help boost our immune system and of course strengthen our eyes. Other than that, carrots also provide some potassium and fiber. With the endless possibilities of turning carrots into delicious meals, carrots are the easiest vegetables to include in your daily diet for improved overall wellbeing and health.
Preparation suggestion: Quick way to add carrots into your meals are to cup them and add them to soups. Besides that, you can buy mini carrots that you can add into salads easily. And organic mini carrots are often more available in smaller amounts so that you won’t have to buy big amounts.

Bell Pepper s
Also known as Capsicums, bell peppers hosts many benefits that are worth your while no matter the colour of it. Available in green, red and yellow, all bell peppers aids to improve the appearance of your dishes and the bright colours shows us that there are antioxidants within. One of the remarkable things about bell peppers is that the content of Vitamin C is beyond charts which makes them crucial to help boost our immune systems. This would lead to an improved overall health and less likely of catching any illness both in short term and long term degenerative diseases. Last but not least, bell pepper are known to be a low-calorie food which makes them a great addition to those that are looking to cut a few kilos as it would add too much to your total calories of the day.
Preparation suggestion: This versatile vegetable could be used in many ways, you can use them as a side dish for your main entree, stuff them with fillings and roast them or the best option is to grill them along with some onions and serve them along with fajitas!

Although celeries are not very popular, it is one of the easily obtained organic vegetables Malaysia in grocery stores and fresh markets and for sure worth the nutritions it provides. It is often known as the vegetable that people would turn to when trying to lose weight or maintaining a healthy diet. To achieve a high-level of health possible, it is really important to reduce excessive inflammation in our bodies and consuming celeries would help just that! This is due to the fact that celery is an alkaline food and contains high amounts of water which means that it’s a hydrating vegetable. So, eating celery are just like drinking more water but with more benefits! Another reason why celery is commonly associated with losing weight is due to the low calorie count, it is so low that it’s virtually fat free!
Preparation suggestion: To many people, eating celery sticks raw would be a major turn off, however paired with peanut butter, it can be much more tolerable! Who doesn’t love peanut butter right? You can also add small pieces of celery into soups and salads, this way you would still eat them but with boosted flavours. Lastly, it is also possible to add them into a green smoothie for a quicker consumption.

Most commonly known by locals as Brinjal but also to be known as Eggplant or Aubergine, this vegetable is high in heart-healthy supplements. Eggplants are wealthy in cancer prevention agents like nasunin (a remarkable compound that shields your brain cells from harm). What's more, since eggplants are stacked with fiber and potassium, specialists trust they may decrease your danger of stroke and dementia.
Preparation suggestion: As this vegetable is commonly used in asian cuisine, there are endless possibilities to prepare it in a dish. One of the most common dishes would be Stir Fried Eggplants. An alternative dish that you could explore would be Eggplant Parmesan.

These impactful smelling veggies are especially wonderful for individuals experiencing (or in danger of creating) osteoporosis. That is on the grounds that onions are stacked with a peptide called GPCS, which researchers come to believe help moderates your body's loss of calcium. Onions may likewise be valuable in the battle against coronary illness and diabetes since they're weighted with Vitamin C and folate.
Preparation suggestion: Onions are mostly used as an incorporation to other dishes and not the main ingredient. However there are also some dishes that features onions such as French Onion Soup.

Cucumbers contain the majority of the nutrients required by our body on a daily basis. It contains a lot of different vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6. Not only that, it has also contents of magnesium, iron, calcium and folic acid. Since cucumbers are made out of about 96% water, it assists us to keep us hydrated and to help meet our needs of fluid.It also contains a decent measure of fiber which with water, helps prevent constipation and improves our bowel movements.
Preparation suggestion: Cucumbers are best eaten the way it is. However there also tons of ways to prepare it to be more appetizing. One of the many salad recipes that you can find is Cucumber and Charred Onion Salad. A combo of cucumber, onions and some dressing, it will no doubt be full of nutrients.
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