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Chia Seed Benefits and How They Can Help You

by Faraaz | 3 Dec 2018

Whenever anyone thinks of becoming healthy or they think about starting a healthier lifestyle, chia seeds are often left out of that equation of foods that are taken into consideration for that healthier lifestyle. This is very much baffling simply due to the nature of the food itself. A chia seed, by many people is considered to be a miracle food. It is packed with nutrition and holds many other benefits despite being very much a small food, the diameter of it being around a mere 1 millimeter. In Malaysia, food, especially unhealthy food, cannot be avoided. This makes it ever so much harder to make a switch into healthier options. But in Malaysia, what some people are yet missing out on is foods that are similar to chia seeds. The food packs energy, iron and potassium as well as is a good source of fiber and provides a big number of antioxidants. This is already something very bizarre given the diameter of the food itself.

The benefits of chia seeds is something that is endless. This not only comes from my word of mouth but a huge number of people out there claiming that this food has actually brought about stunning changes for them. First of all, chia seeds help increase the amount of fiber in the body. This is a major plus for people going through issues such as indigestion or improper toilet routines. This is something that goes on inside your body and needs a proper process or could end up bringing along long term issues. Fiber also slows down the rate of sugar absorption into your body. When eating certain foods that contain a higher amount of sugar, fiber helps slower down the process of that sugar getting into your body by breaking the food down slower. This is already a plus for not gaining additional weight through sugar. They also have health benefits that help fight heart diseases as well as diabetes. And one of the common ones but yet so useful to our body, it helps removes toxins from our body as well. Some people tend to overlook all of these benefits that can bring so much good to a person’s body. They are an ideal food for anyone looking to have the maximum amount of nutrients with any food alongside having the minimal calorie intake. An ounce of chia seed contains only a very minor amount of fat coming in at nine grams, and the rest of it are the benefits that enhance your body. What makes it particularly impressive is the fact that this is in an ounce only. That means deciding to have more of this will not costs you much calorie intake, but bring along abundance of nutrients.

From a health standpoint, chia seeds help you reduce your risk of heart diseases. This is possible from the fact that it is high in fiber, protein and omega-3. Based on studies that have been carried out, chia seeds have reportedly, significantly reduced blood pressure in certain people. This has been tested out on patients having hypertension and so on, and the results that they received showed that the food does help lower such issues in people. And for the question of the hour, does chia seed help you reduce weight? Well in certain cases, it has proven to be effective at reducing your weight. Food that are substantially higher in the amounts of fiber that they contain, tend to make us feel full from the meals that we have for an extended period of time. And such foods are usually lower in lower in calories as well. So an increased intake in high fiber foods has shown to gradually reduce the weight on a person.

Overtime, this becomes more and more prominent as it shows it effects on your body. Also due to the fact that the fiber that chia seeds contain tend to break down the sugar slower compared to most, this also helps trigger the weight loss. Because the body tends to take more time to digest such foods, and eventually causing a feeling of not being hungry for a longer period of time for the most part. A study has also shown positive signs for diabetic people. It has shown to be able to covert the sugar into a slow release carbohydrate that may make waves in positively effecting people with type 2 diabetes issues. This is also proven because high fibers meals help lower down the risk of developing diabetes to begin with, and these diets help keeping the sugar levels stable and under control. Another prominent factor is that it helps prevent having irregular bowel movement and constipation. This promotes a better and healthier digestive tract. Also because of the removal of toxins, the stomach is kept free from toxins that are able to cause issues that harm the natural flow of daily excretion. Another miracle contain of this chia seed is the omega-3s. This is something that is very important for people that are looking for a way to maintain a distance from illnesses and diseases such as heart attack and stroke. This is because it is able to reduce the levels of cholesterol in your body along with efficiently lowering blood pressure.

Another part of your body that benefits greatly from this is your bones. Because chia seeds contain several nutrients that are high in order to maintain the health of your bones. This is because the food contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein which drastically help making the bones stronger and avoiding weaknesses in your bones in the long run. If we were to make a comparison, gram by gram, chia seeds contain more calcium than most of the dairy products out there. Hence, they are an excellent choice for people who are not interested in taking in large amounts of dairy products or choose to refrain from it all together.

Chia seeds also tend to help with the inflammation of wounds. When we usually suffer bruises or such, this mark our body with a reddish or black and blue mark, but with certain healthy foods this can be reduced substantially and the mark is very minor. This helps lessen the possibilities of infection and possibly, even help with faster recovery from the marks.

Lastly, chia seeds are actually not the hardest to integrate with your meals. This is made possible due to the almost no taste of the seeds themselves. This makes is easier for it to be combined with anything from juices, porridges, pudding, smoothies or even bakes goods. The fact that it is able to be mixed with so many other foods makes it very versatile. Chia seeds can also be added into your yoghurt or rice dishes with ease. And if that is not very much of your liking, you can also have a teaspoon or two of them chia seeds raw. This will not have too much of taste as the seeds themselves are pretty bland. And by doing this, the chia seeds will also enhance the overall nutritional value of your meal all together.

Finally, the benefits that come along with the chia seeds are remarkable. The benefits that they are able to bring into your daily life are very much astonishing. With an exuberant amount of benefits, this is something most people should be incorporating into their daily lives as it is. The benefits speak for themselves, with your health, both internally and externally are benefitting from this food. Having even something as little as a teaspoon or two on a daily basis helps boost a lot of aspects in your body all together.

The various health benefits through the antioxidants, fiber and calcium are very prominent in ensuring a healthier body. To no surprise, chia seeds are definitely a super food. The amount of intake needed in comparison to the benefits gained is nothing short of shocking and plain right outstanding. And the fact that they are so easily added into meals make them something everyone should definitely try and give it a go. I mean, there is really nothing but just benefits waiting for you on the other side. If you are someone who is yet to try and have chia seeds on a regular basis, you should definitely consider adding them up in your lifestyle for healthier and better years to come.

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